One of the things I do on Friday mornings is look at the Walgreens Weekly Ad Sneak Peek that I receive by email.
I signed up for the weekly ad sneak peaks last year, when I started couponing again.
Browsing the Weekly Ad Sneak Peek has allowed me to plan my weekly shopping trips. One of the things I really like about the Weakly Sneak Peak is that it features additional in-store offers as well as online exclusives and bonus buys.
One of the things that has always annoyed me, both about the print ad and the digital circular, was that the Walgreens coupons were located on the bottom of each page, and if you wanted to use multiple coupons, you had to clip multiple pages. Time. Consuming. Why not just put them all together?
Well, Walgreens has revamped their digital circular, and those coupons will now be grouped together by category on easy-to-find pages.
We asked. They listened.
Wanna know what other features the new digital circular has?
<—Online ads now also allow for social sharing (via Facebook, Twitter, email, or text) with the “quick look” function.
Just hover over the item in the digital circular and click on the “QUICK LOOK” button. It will pop over a description of the deal, with the option to share the deal.
How cool is that! So, since I know a friends diaper stash is dwindling, I shared the deal with her on her Facebook timeline, so she can get her coupons ready.
I love it.
Oh, and here’s the best part… if you haven’t previously signed up for the weekly ad sneak peak (via email on Fridays), you can do so now and get a $5 coupon for signing up.
Speaking of saving money, this isn’t a new feature, but I thought I would point it out…
<—There’s a tab at the bottom of the sneak peak page, where you can view coupons online.
You can print coupons that are manufacturer coupons and those that are WAG’s specific.
Thank you, Walgreens!
This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias. All opinions are my own.
That’s awesome that they allow for sharing.
This sounds great, I am guessing we will see lots of stores come out with ads like this.
I should have stopped by here earlier – I was a bit taken aback when I saw the change this morning. I do like the new layout though.
I love Walgreens, thanks for sharing!
It’s funny how everything is going digital now!