If you have a high school student that’s continuing or about to start high school math online, then we are in the same boat. My 15-year-old son is going to be taking Calculus via CTCMath online, which is exciting and crazy all at the same time! I know that finding an online homeschool math curriculum that fits your family can be nerve wracking. With that in mind, I’ve put together a few success tips for online high school math. I want to not only give you success tips for helping your high school student but also want your child to be as successful as possible.
Create a Positive Learning Environment
One of the best things you can do to help your high school student be successful is to create a positive learning environment. If your child is doing school online, then there might be a few things they need to be successful!
Establish a designated learning space
You will find that a great way to establish a positive learning environment is to establish a designated space for learning. This doesn’t have to be a fancy space, but something that your teen feels comfortable in!
Removing distractions
You will also find that your teen has a better success rate with homeschool math online when all distractions are removed. Keep in mind that every single person has different distractions. Help your kid discover what their distractions are and then remove them!
Setting a study schedule
I recognize that not every family wants to set a study schedule, but this does work for a lot of families. You may find that setting a study schedule helps your teen stay focused and get a lot done for their online math course. This is a great tip for students who hate math.
Practicing good study habits
Another important part of having success with high school math online is to practice good study habits. Of course, this looks different for every single person out there, but here are a few of my favorite tips.
Reviewing notes regularly
Your teen will see success with online math if they take the time to review notes. Not every child will need to do this, but for some kids, this makes a huge difference in their study life. I have found that CTCMath is great for getting extra math help even when they use a separate curriculum for their primary course.
Completing assignments on time
Teens who are doing math or any other subject online will need to practice completing assignments on time. This is such an important skill for any teen and young adult to have. Getting their assignments turned in on time will only help them be more successful in their online course and in life in general. CTCMath allows you to set the due dates for assignments and lets you know if any are not completed.
Actively participating in class discussions
Some online math classes have online class discussions. Your teen might see a better success rate if they feel engaged in the conversation of what they are learning. Of course, this is a good tip if your child actually has class discussions to be a part of.
Choose an Online Class Your Teen Will Love
When it comes to online learning, you will want to choose a homeschool math curriculum class that your teen loves. This year, like many other years before, we are choosing CTCMath. My 15 year old will be taking Calculus through the online math program and we are both so excited. With a CTCMath Homeschool Membership, your teen can have access to the following:
Teacher and Parental Support
One reason I personally love CTCMath is that they offer so many resources for both parents and teachers. Confession time — I can do calculus… at least, I could in 1994. But I don’t want to teach calculus. Why? Because I want my son and I to like each other at the end of the day. With CTCMath, you will have access to dozens of printable lesson plans, worksheets, and solution guides. I have found that all of these resources really help supplement the online math curriculum and it also gives additional support for students. Especially the solution guides. It means I can step through a problem with him if he messes up, without having to dredge up nearly 30 year old math memory. Score.
Mobile Friendly
A feature that any homeschooling parent can relate to is a mobile-friendly online class. You’ll find that CTCMath can be used on tablets and smartphones. This means that students gain access to lessons and problems while on the go. You can go on a lot more road trips thanks to this feature!
The Platform is User Friendly
There is nothing more annoying than a curriculum that isn’t user-friendly. CTCMath is a family favorite because teens can easily find their lessons and their dedicated dashboards. I have to help my teen find enough things, so one less thing I need to help him find is a real bonus for me.
Other Reasons to Choose CTCMath Homeschool Membership
- Makes math easy to understand – even for kids who hate math!
- Clear, spoken explanations
- Short, engaging, and to the point – improves clarity and focus
- An online homeschool math program for K-12, so all your kids can use it!
- Pause, rewind, or repeat a lesson so they really get it
- Catch up on lessons that have been missed
- With a CTCMath membership you have access to all grades and lessons
- Kids can learn on their own time without stress from others
- Seeing and hearing at the same time can engage teens in learning
- As a parent you can access detailed results at any time online.
- As a homeschooler, I also love that CTCMath is homeschool friendly. CTCMath is half-price for homeschoolers! That’s pretty spectacular, if you ask me!
Whatever online math program you or your teen chooses, I’m hoping these tips help you a lot. We’ve found CTCMath to be super flexible for our situation.