Special thanks to QVC for making this post possible.
Back to school is an exciting time for the whole family and only one thing normally gets in the way and that’s a BUDGET! It can be so hard to buy everything you need, all at once! Hang on tight because I have good news for existing QVC QCard holders!
This is something new and exciting that QVC is offering to QCard holders. Using their QCard and the Easy Pay Every Day option, cardholders can stock up on all of their favorite back to school supplies. No matter what you need for back to school, you can get it all in one place and using the Easy Pay Every Day feature, you can spread out the payments over 3 months.
Here are the key components of using your QCard for the awesome Easy Pay Every Day feature!
- All items. All the time. No minimum price point. No extra charge. Excludes Gift Cards.
- Enjoy 3 Easy Payments on anything you buy with your QCard®, excluding Gift Cards.
- You can get what you want and what you love and all the while stretching out your payments over three monthly installments.
- As if there wasn’t enough to love about the QCard already, now there ismore to love with the QCard.
There have been school years where it seems as though the kids all need something at once. This year, for example, since we’re doing lessons by video streaming, both of my older kids need their own computer, monitor, and headphones. Not to mention that we have to replace one of their tablets because it was dropped on concrete.
It can be hard to budget for these items and have the cash readily available for everything we need. I love that I can use the QCard to buy WHATEVER we need (excluding QVC Gift Cards) and stretch it over three months.
I already love my QCard and there’s so much we purchase with it on a monthly basis. It’s always been easy to use, but now I feel like the Easy Pay option adds even more incentive for me to use it. I have to admit that I’ve even been guilty of splurging on myself from time to time because it’s SO easy to use the card and pay it off with three monthly installments.
If you have the QCard, I hope you’ll take advantage of this awesome perk. If you haven’t applied for the QCard yet, the Easy Pay option is an added bonus that you could take advantage of when you open a QCard account!