I’m a firm believer that when the devil tries to pick a fight with us, we need to remind him that he’s already lost the war! Just look at the Names of God as a reminder.
I’m just gonna be honest with you. The last week has been a ROLLER COASTER. Here’s a little look into my week…
Wednesday- flat tire on the way to church
Thursday- I had to walk home from the repair shop after dropping off the van, then had to walk back to get it after we had the unexpected expense of replacing ALL FOUR TIRES. As if that weren’t enough, we received devastating news regarding a loved one’s medical condition.
Friday- our central air went on the fritz
Today- we received devastating news regarding another loved one’s medical condition
Add to all that the fact that my Facebook feed is full of prayer requests from friends and family who have been on similar roller coaster rides.
And the fact that my son needs to have surgery to restore his hearing, but we’re still waiting on the insurance company.
In times like these, I remind myself that though the enemy may come at me from all sides I have One on my side who never fails.
My prayer is that you, too, will find peace and comfort in the Names of God.