Talking about streets is the perfect opportunity to work some geography into our Mulberry Street Unit Study with a Geography Journey!
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street
This can be done with a physical map or virtual map. You can even let your littles use their Paper Tube Binoculars that they made earlier in this unit study.
Here’s what you need…
Mulberry Street Geography Journal
Print a map of your neighborhood or street using Just type in your address and take a virtual tour of your yard, and then the entire road. See if they can recognize your house, car, neighbors, parks,etc. Pan in and out to see the view from space. Make it a bit of a scavenger hunt and have your child locate and mark your street on the map, and then circle your house. Help them to create their own map key and color in things like the city parks and firehouse. If using a state map, get as close to your street as you can, if it’s not specifically noted.
If using a map online, show your child how to get directions from one place, such as your house, to another, such as to the local park. This is a fantastic geography lesson as well as learning computer skills.or use your city map or state map.
Be sure to follow along for the rest of the Mulberry Street Unit Study!
- Mulberry Street Unit Study- Paper Tube Binoculars
- Mulberry Street Unit Study- My Street Journal
- Mulberry Street Unit Study- Create A Creature
- Mulberry Street Unit Study- Printable Journal Page
- Mulberry Street Unit Study- Oh The Animals Snack
- Mulberry Street Unit Study- Stop Light Treats
- Mulberry Street Unit Study- Sensory Bin
Get your copy of Mulberry Street now.
It is so much fun to teach children lessons using their real world as a backdrop.