We’ve been using Teaching Textbooks for a few years now, and we’re big fans. Teaching Textbooks can be successfully used with children of varied mathematical abilities. It is designed to help prepare your child for college-level courses in a simple easy to learn and low-stress program. I love that Teaching Textbooks is a homeschool math program that can be used for struggling or gifted learners, and everyone in between. For families that have both struggling and gifted learners, Teaching Textbooks is a great program for ensuring everyone gets the education they need. Using Teaching Textbooks with either struggling learners or excelled learners is easy and has some great advantages.
Math for Struggling or Gifted Learners
Teaching Textbooks is a Math Curriculum that works for Struggling or Gifted Learners
If you are homeschooling more than one child, chances are you have children with different mathematical abilities. Such is the case for us. We have three kiddos. One falls on the gifted end of the mathematical spectrum. One has learning differences and struggles with math. And one falls smack dab in the middle of the spectrum. Although all three of my kids have different math abilities, all three need to learn math, right? I have absolutely NO desire to teach (or purchase) three different math curricula. For sanity sake, and for our curriculum budget, I need one math curriculum that works for struggling, typical, or gifted learners. I have that with Teaching Textbooks!
Teaching Textbooks 4.0 is a totally self-directed homeschool math curriculum.
Check out a free trial of Teaching Textbooks 4.0 today and see for yourself how well it fits into your homeschool plans!
Why Teaching Textbooks is good for mixed-level homeschool families?
Teaching Textbooks is designed to be easy for families. The program does most of the work for parents making it easier for you to manage multiple kids’ math education at once. For families that have children at both ends of the math spectrum, struggling and excelled, or kids that fall anywhere in between, Teaching Textbooks can be the perfect bridge to help make homeschooling math students of all abilities possible.
One major benefit of using Teaching Textbooks with either struggling learners or excelled learners is that they can work at their own pace. Having the freedom to go as fast or as slow as your child needs makes programs like Teaching Textbooks an important part of providing your child with a custom education. Add to that the fact that Teaching Textbooks both teaches and grades, students can work through the program completely on their own with no help from Mom or Dad! Score! (pun intended)
Math for Struggling Learners
Teaching Textbooks is a great option for struggling learners. This is a particularly useful curriculum for children with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. Did you know that many children have reading difficuluties also struggle with math? Our 12 year old daughter, Sister, has both dyslexia and dysgraphia. She started showing signs of math difficulties a few years ago. When we switched to Teaching Textbooks, she was able to understand math concepts better. Teaching Textbooks math lessons are done with video lessons so there is not a lot of reading that can make it hard for struggling learners to keep up.
Your child gets feedback right away from the program making it easy to know when a topic needs to be repeated again so your child can learn and retain the information. For struggling learners, this means you never have to worry that they will move on without understanding important concepts.
For children that struggle with things like writing Teaching Textbooks online opens the doors to eliminating this hurdle from your child’s math lessons, setting them up with the tools for success.
Teaching Textbooks breaks down lessons into small chunks making it a great option for struggling learners that need to slow down the pace to be able to keep up. The multi-sensory approach is great for struggling learners that need a different approach to learning and does with combined visual and audio learning.
How to use Teaching Textbooks with struggling learners
For your struggling learner take it slow and allow the program to do most of the work. Teaching Textbooks breaks things down into small sections and offers plenty of review to help your child learn new math concepts. Be sure to set the program to allow for hints and for multiple attempts for each problem.
If your child is struggling and needs extra help from you, don’t be afraid to watch the videos for a refresher on math concepts you do not remember yourself. The great thing about Teaching Textbooks is that it is great at explaining concepts and can help you dive back in if you are needed.
Though we haven’t had to use it yet, I love that Teaching Textbooks also offers free one-on-one tutoring over the phone for those who need special assistance. This is unprecedented for a math curriculum. I know that there is a distinct difference between the way my daughter and I understand math concepts. Knowing that help is available, if I can’t explain something in a way she can understand, is a great comfort to us.
Math for Excelled Learners
Teaching Textbooks is just as good for excelled learners as it is for struggling learners. Your excelled learner can work at their own pace and move on when they are ready. This means that your child is not being held back from their full potential by the program.
With gifted learners, Teaching Textbooks can be hands-off for you. You only need to step in if your child needs it. Your child can keep learning at a speed that is works for them. If they are having fun they can easily keep going and often excelled learners will finish their Teaching Textbooks program faster than other kids. This is perfectly fine and allows you to move your child up to the next level when they are ready.
Our son, Mister, is a gifted math learner. At 13, he’s working through Algebra 2 and has finished Algebra 1 and Geometry. The online Teaching Textbooks math app has allowed him to plow through math at his own pace and doesn’t require me to hold him back because of his age.
For parents of kids that love math, Teaching Textbooks makes it easy by doing all of the teaching for you so you can focus on other things. You can trust that your child is getting a quality mathematics education. I have a friend whose children used Teaching Textbooks (before CDs!) and excelled in math and science in college. My son will do Algebra 2 this year, and then move on to Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus when finished. After that, he’ll be ready for college level math classes.
How to use Teaching Textbooks with excelled learners
If you are unsure of what level is best for your excelled learner, start with their placement test. Additionally you can use the free trial of the first 15 lessons of each grade level to let your child explore each level to find the one that works best for their needs.
Encourage your child to try their best even if they feel the material is too easy. If your child completes more than 1 lesson in a day they will quickly reach the more advanced lessons that can offer them a challenge.
Math for Typical Learners
What if your student is smack dab in the middle of typical? Teaching Textbooks works for them, too. This is my third kiddo, Little Miss. At 8, she seems to be hitting all of her math milestones on schedule. We used the free math placement test to determine which level to start her in, and she’s is moving right along in math. Most students complete one math lesson each day, but if your student needs extra time on a lesson, or needs to review a lesson, there is certainly the ability to do so.
The placement tests and free trial option are designed to ensure that students end up in the correct level.
Teaching Textbooks 4.0 is a totally self-directed homeschool math curriculum.
Check out a free trial of Teaching Textbooks 4.0 today and see for yourself how well it fits into your homeschool plans!
That said, if a mistake in placement occurs, definitely reach out to customer service. When Sister first started her online math program, she tested into Math 5. She made it to about lesson 23, and the tears started flowing. I realized that there were some gaps between our old curriculum and the new one, and she just wasn’t ready for Math 5. Teaching Textbooks customer service was amazing! We switched her to Math 4, and the tears stopped. Teaching Textbooks does have a generous refund policy, but we didn’t need it after we found the right level.
Each Teaching Textbooks course subscription lasts one year. The enrollment period starts on the day of your choosing. When you purchase a course, you pick the day that you plan to start. Then you’ll get an email with instructions to set it up. Each course also comes with 3 months of pause time, so you can pause the program for Christmas break or family vacation and not worry about your subscription running out.
Schooling 4 or more kiddos? Check out the Teaching Textbooks Family Plan!
Teaching Textbooks Giveaway
Teaching Textbooks has wants to give one lucky reader one level enrollment for one student! Enter using the widget below!
I really don’t want you to miss this giveaway, so if the widget doesn’t load properly, click the button.
The fine print… By entering you agree to the contest rules. Open to residents of US Only, age 18 or older. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to email notification. Failure to respond within 48 hours will result in prize forfeiture, and a new winner will be selected. Void where prohibited.