I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream! This Letter I Alphabet Writing Practice printable is cute and fun.
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Books about Ice Cream
Curious About Ice Cream (Smithsonian)Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundae with 54 Stickers (Dover Little Activity Books Stickers)
Ice Cream Soup (Penguin Young Readers, Level 1)
Summer Ice cream: Summer rhyming picture book for kids about summer joy at an ice cream shop during Summer. Great for Summer themed story times and summer read alouds.
Children’s Book: Have You Seen the Ice Cream Truck? [Bedtime Stories for Kids]
Cows Love Ice Cream Coloring Book
Dragons Love Ice Cream (Sweet Dragons Book 1)
Johnny Boo Book 8: Johnny Boo and the Ice Cream Computer
Hedgehog Wisdom: Little Reasons to Smile