How is it possible that I have a middle school child. We’ll begin homeschooling 6th grade with our 10 year old this month. He did skip a grade, so this is all the more surreal. Now that he’s getting older, and we are doing hybrid homeschool afor the third year, we’re allowing our son to help us in choosing curriculum, because we want his interests to help guide our selections. I firmly believe that learning is more fun when they care about the subject. I thought I’d share our 2018-2019 curriculum choices for 6th grade.
- The Story of the World Volume 1: Ancient Times
- The Story of the World Volume 2: The Middle Ages
- The Shakespeare Stealer
- Timeline book from Sonlight
- Timeline Figures G from Sonlight
- Integrated iScience, Grade 6 Course 1, Student Edition – Yes, this is the science course that we started in 5th grade. He’ll finish it this year.
- Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition (read more about this one in my Homeschool Health and Nutrition post)
He will complete the Integrated iScience course that we started last year, and start the Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition course. I’ve mentioned in the past that he has read most of the Apologia Exploring Creation series for fun, so I’m hoping he’ll enjoy the Health and Nutrition text. We may or may not complete this year. Check out the electives below to see what other sciences he wants to explore.
Mister struggles with handwriting because he’d rather write quickly than write nicely. We’ll continue working on handwriting until he realizes that if he’d just slow down, he could write perfectly.
- Daily Grammar Student Practice Workbook Grade 6
I’m only assigning 7 books for this year. These are the one’s that he HAS to read, and will have assignments related to them.
- The Bronze Bow
- Shadow of a Bull
- The Bedouins’ Gazelle
- Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
- Mystery of the Roman Ransom
- The Incredible Journey
- An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth
As I mentioned in our 5th Grade Curriculum Picks, Mister reads voraciously. Just in the last week or so, he’s read six fairly lengthy books.
- Teddy Mars Almost a World Record Breaker
- Teddy Mars Almost a Winner
- Teddy Mars Almost an Outlaw
- Ryan Quinn and the Rebel’s Escape
- Ryan Quinn and the Lion’s Claw
- Flashback Four – The Lincoln Project
He’s also read or reread a couple Magic Treehouse books and The Hardy Boys books. He wants to read the other books in the Flashback Four series, and the book stack next to his bed is ever growing.
We use Everyday Mathematics spiraling math curriculum, which is a comprehensive Pre-K through Grade 6 mathematics program. In a spiral curriculum, math concepts are revisited repeatedly over months and across grades.
- Everyday Math for 6th Grade Student Resource Book
- Everyday Math for 6th Grade Student Journal 1
- Everyday Math for 6th Grade Student Journal 2
Last year he did the 5th grade level of Everyday Math, then for fun worked on pre-algebra on Khan Academy. He wants to keep working on Khan to move toward algebra. Fun.
Mister asked to be allowed to explore a couple of courses on The courses he is interested in are:
- Astronomy 101 (read more about this one in my Tips for Homeschooling Middle School post)
- Sparketh Art Classes (more on this one coming soon)
He says he wants to be a NASA engineer after graduating college and HE asked to do the Astronomy 101 course on He has NO idea that it is a college level class. I have NO idea how long it will take him. He also likes comic books, so the art classes appeal to him. We’ll see how it works out.
He also wants to continue to use a mix of Khan Academy, Codecademy, and MIT OpenCourseware courses to satiate his desire to program all things.
Be sure to shop for the best prices on homeschool books and consumables from Thrift Books, Amazon, and
I also posted our picks for homeschooling kindergarten and homeschooling 4th grade for this year. Looking for other grades? Be sure to check out our Our Preschool Curriculum Picks, 3rd Grade Curriculum Picks and 5th Grade Curriculum Picks from last year.
Check out the 10th Annual iHomeschool Network Back to Homeschool Blog Hop Curriculum Week, which begins September 3rd, 2018, for more ideas!