Direct sales teams are so easy to grow – said no one, ever. However, creating a rock star direct sales team isn’t impossible. So, let’s chat about how to grow your direct sales team without being annoying or pushy!
How to Grow Your Direct Sales Team
Be authentic
Growing a team isn’t about selling. You’re there to be a mentor, not a salesperson. Check in with your downline weekly – just to say hi, not to ask them why they haven’t ordered, or even to talk about the business, really. Building a relationship is key.
Be motivational
Sometimes, incentives are necessary to get people motivated. Each person on your direct sales team will be motivated by something different, and will need help in a different way. Realizing that they’re individuals – even though they’re on the same team – is vital.
Be a good listener
Even when we think we’re doing a great job coaching our team, sometimes we’re not. Create an anonymous survey for your team to fill out. What do they love about your mentoring? What do they feel is missing?
Be a dreamer
Maybe you only have 5 people on your team so far. So what? Treat your team like they’re worth a million bucks – because some day, they might be! Start your training group, do coaching calls, the whole nine yards. Act like a winning team and you will BE a winning team.
Be prepared
Always have a new recruit/opportunity folder with you. It should include: information about the company, your personal story, a page listing the commission structure, benefits of being on your team, etc. If you’re with the right company, you won’t even have to sell – the information will sell itself and you’ll be recruiting in no time.
Be professional
While you don’t have to wear a business suit 24/7, it’s important to look nice and presentable – especially in public – because you need to be leading by example. You want people to notice you. Carry yourself in a way that make people think “Wow!”. Eventually, they’ll ask questions and you’ll be there with the answers – and a story about your business. Plus, if you represent your company in a professional way, your downline will do the same.
Be honest
Don’t lie and tell new recruits they’ll make thousands of dollars in the first month after joining your team. Now is not the time to overhype and oversell – be honest and direct, and don’t badmouth other direct sales companies if a potential recruit is tossing around the idea of joining another company instead.
Be friendly
The best way to grow your direct sales team is to make new friends. You don’t even need to mention your business at first. Naturally, it will come up in conversation when you’re making new friends. Your new friends are much more likely to be interested in the opportunity after knowing you for a few weeks rather than you trying to shove it down their throats upon first meeting.
Be visible
Always wear and use your products. Attend any local events you possibly can, and set up at vendor events when possible, too. I’m much more likely to buy from you – or sign up to be on your team – if I’ve seen you “out and about” several times.
Be available
Keep your team informed of new products, specials, etc throughout the week – either in your group or by sending out an email. Be present, not pushy.
At the end of the day, you’re selling an experience – and happiness – not just a product. Be passionate, be authentic, and truly care about your team. If you don’t care, someone else will!