As I mentioned in my Celebrate Black History Month post, I will be utilizing Black History Month to teach my kidlets about the achievements of influential Black Americans throughout our history. I created this set of printable Black History Month matching tiles to use with them. Of course, I used the theme from the Celebrate Black History printable I made. The tiles are of Martin Luther King, Jr., Benjamin Carson, Rosa Parks, Lewis Latimer, Ida B. Wells, Mae Jemison, Crispus Attucks, Shirley Chisholm, Frederick Douglas, Charles Drew, George Washingtong Carver, and Matthew Henson.
Simple click the Free Printable Black History Month Matching Tiles image above, or on the title, to open a pdf in a new window for printing.
The tiles are 3 inches each. I printed mine out and affixed them to 3.5 inch red squares, so that we can play match/memory with them as we learn about them.
You could also print them and have the kidlets glue them to construction paper and then glue them onto tongue depressors for more creative play. When they are busy with these creative play activities, you can tell them who the person is and what they contributed to mankind for the better of us all.
Be sure to print the I Have a Dream, Too journal printable from my Celebrate Martin Luther King Day post. Check out my Celebrate Cultural Heritage post for a list of other cultural heritage observances in the USA.
While you’re planning your teaching on Black History, consider these great resources!
Black History: Kids EditionBlack Pioneers of Science and Invention
Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History
100 African-Americans Who Shaped American History (100 Series)
America’s Black Founders: Revolutionary Heroes & Early Leaders with 21 Activities (For Kids series)
African American Legends for Little Learners
Who Was Harriet Tubman?
Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Who Was Frederick Douglass?
Mae Jemison (You Should Meet)
Who Was George Washington Carver?
Crispus Attucks: Black Leader of Colonial Patriots (Childhood of Famous Americans)
Ida B. Wells: Let the Truth Be Told
Who Was Rosa Parks?
Want more history resources? Check out this Massive Guide to Homeschooling History!