Products received from Oriental Trading to facilitate this post. All opinions my own.
You may recall from my How to Plan a Ladies Tea post that for the last several years, I’ve had the privilege of planning and hostessing the annual ladies tea breakfast for the women of my church. Each year the theme, and the decor, is different. This year, my team and I painted polka dot teapot planters to use as the centerpieces on the tables. These turned out so cute, I thought I’d share with you so you can make your own!
Supplies for Polka Dot Teapot Planters
DIY Ceramic Teapot Flower Planters
Acrylic Paint
Paint Palettes
Paint Brushes
Dip and Dot Paint Dotters
Clear coat sealant (either a spray sealer or Mod Podge)
Directions for Polka Dot Teapot Planters
Spread newspaper or a tablecloth over your work surface to protect it.
After selecting your color palette, paint each teapot planter. We did a single base coat, then followed up with touch ups where needed.
Allow the base coat to dry completely.
Use the Dip and Dot Paint Dotters to add polka dots in a complimentary color.
We selected five base coat colors, then used those same colors to place the complimentary polka dots on the teapot planters. We did yellow with orange polka dots, purple with teal polka dots, pink with blue polka dots, and so on.
Allow the paint to dry completely before applying the the clear coat sealant.
Our polka dot teapot planters will serve a dual purpose. They will be the table centerpieces for the tea AND they will be door prizes. Twelve lovely ladies will get to take home their own polka dot teapot planter. We’ll put fresh cut flowers in them, but they’ll be able to add a small plant or flower if they like.
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