My kiddos love learning about everyday heroes. We routinely add a variety of books to our stacks about a specific individual. As I mentioned in my Pathways2.0 Reading and Language Arts post, we recently added Odd Boy Out to our stack. This book started me on the quest of finding more children’s books about Albert Einstein. I thought I’d share the fruit of my labor, so you don’t have to search like I did. 😉
Children’s Books about Albert Einstein
This fun list of Einstein books for kids is sure to have your kiddo wanting to know more about this great scientist!
Odd Boy Out introduces us to the less than magnificent beginnings of an odd boy out. The result is a tender rendering of the adventures of growing up for one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century.
Albie’s First Word is a historical fiction book that provides a rare glimpse into the early childhood of Albert Einstein, the world’s most famous physicist.
On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein is a whimsical story that presents Albert Einstein in a relate-able way. This story illustrates the importance of creativity.
If you’ve read any of the Who Is series, you know that they do a great job of making historical figures interesting. The Who Was Albert Einstein book is no exception to the rule. This book tells the story of Albert Einstein’s life, (including the fact that he was expelled from school) in a fun way that clearly gets kids interested in the world he lived in and changed.
Nat Geo Kids are a favorite resource for us, as they provide a great overview of important people, places, and things. The Nat Geo Readers: Albert Einstein book details his life, achievements, and the challenges he faced along the way.
I am Albert Einstein is a great book for kids who think differently. This book teachers kids that even when Albert Einstein was a young, he thought in pictures instead of in words. It emphasizes that his special way of thinking helped him understand big ideas like the structure of music and why a compass always points north. It’s a great book for teaching your special thinker that special thinkers can change the world in special ways.
Albert Einstein and Relativity for Kids is a great selection for kids who learn by doing. It includes little experiments and activities to reinforce complex ideas.
Albert Einstein: The Giants of Science Series, Book 5 is a part of a witty series that teaches kids about the great scientists. Other scientists in the series include Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, and Marie Curie.
Albert Einsteing: The Genius Who Failed School is a biography that explores Einstein’s life, including the fact that his teacher said that he would never be anything great because he was stupid. Boy, was that teacher ever mistaken!
Ice Cream with Albert Einstein is a Time Hops story. It uses a fictionalized storyline to create a relatable scenario of meeting a history-defining American and learning more about their way of life.
Ask Albert Einstein is another fictional story in which Einstein helps a girl that is failing math.
Meet Einstein is geared toward younger kiddos, ages 2-5, to introduce them to science and show them that they, too, can be great scientists.
Kids will love reading Albert Einstein’s Diary: How I Revolutionized Science. It is a fictional journal but all he facts about his life and the timeline are based on real facts.
Learning about Albert Einstein is sure to be fun with Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity. This is a graphic biography (i.e. comic book style) that traces Einstein’s path from his home country of Germany to his studies in Switzerland to his time in the United States.
Albert Einstein: 75 Fascinating Facts for Kids is a concise book with 75 easy to comprehend facts about Albert Einstein for a youngster to read. You may even find a few that surprise you.
I hope you enjoy exploring the life of Albert Einstein!