One of the beautiful things about the weather warm up is that my kiddos want to spend time outdoors. YES! Our family loves to spending time outdoors. One of our favorite outdoor activities is a scavenger hunt. This camping and nature scavenger hunt is the perfect summer activity!
Whether playing in our own yard, exploring a local playground, taking a walk at a nearby state park, or camping, a nature scavenger hunt is a ton of fun! This fun printable camping and nature scavenger hunt can keep my kids busy for hours.
My kids love it because it gives them something to look for. They love trying to find things. I love it because it keeps them active without me having to entertain them. LOL. Trust me, the kiddos will want to use this one over and over, so take the time to laminate it for re-use.
If you’re going to be spending time outdoors in nature, you want to protect the kids from bug bites. We love these essential oil bracelets for the kids because we can put a couple drops of oil in them and not have to put bug spray on the kids skin! The fact that they are slap bracelets make them “cool” enough to wear. 😉
Kids Essential Oil Diffuser Slap Bracelet
I made a copy for each of my kids and then used my thermal laminator to laminate it. We’ll be getting a lot of use out of them. As a homeschooling Mom, I make a LOT of printables and use my Scotch Thermal Laminator quite a bit. It has certainly earned it’s keep in the last three years!
Scotch Thermal Laminator 14.75 x 4.75 x 3.75 Inches (TL902A)Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouches, 8.9 x 11.4-Inches, 3 mil thick, 100-Pack (TP3854-100)
I have a feeling I’ll be making them for the neighbor kiddos, too. I don’t mind, tho, because this will help keep them off the screens. Score!
While not entirely necessary for exploring, my kids love to pretend to be “real explorers” and the backyard safari gear goes a long way toward making their pretend play realistic. With magnifying glasses, flashlights, scoop nets, and critter shacks kids can explore and pretend to their hearts content!
Backyard Safari Magnifying GlassBackyard Safari Flashlight
Backyard Safari Scoop Net
Backyard Safari Critter Shack
Go forth and explore!
Need more fun activities for outdoors? Check out these classic backyard games!