You may recall from my How to Plan a Ladies Tea post that I am the Women’s Pastor of our church. This past weekend I had the awesome privilege of hostessing the second annual women’s retreat for our church. There are so many benefits of a women’s retreat, whether it is one that lasts a few hours or one that lasts a few days. It’s no surprise, then, that women’s retreats are increasing in popularity. If you are wondering if you should attend a women’s retreat, here are a few benefits of a women’s retreat that last long beyond the last activity of the retreat.
Benefits of a Women’s Retreat
A Chance for Deepen Friendships
Let’s face it, we live in a world of status updates and social images. Attending a women’s retreat forces you to go beyond the surface with the women around you. It offers a chance to spend time with women who are searching for the same things you are searching for. Some of these women may be from different walks of life, but ultimately, most are looking for something worth investing in. One of the things worth investing in is friendships. Sharing your thoughts and emotions with other attendees goes a long way toward creating friendship ties that can last a lifetime. The friendships that I’ve nurtured at women’s retreats are SO incredibly valuable to me.
Sometimes in life, we just get stuck in a rut. At least, I do. Following the same basic routines, day in and day out, can cause us to drift on auto pilot. Attending a women’s retreat can be the inspiration you need to be intentional with your time, your family, and your friendships.
A Chance to Rest
Even when I’m not in a rut, I find that attending a women’s retreat offers a welcome chance to rest. My life is busy. Many days, I find myself completely exhausted. Some days, I wonder where the last day, week, or month. Sometimes it is necessary to hit the pause button, just so that we can be refreshed. A women’s retreat provides time away from the normal everyday hustle and bustle of life. Take the time for yourself, you deserve it!
Rest and inspiration are important benefits of a women’s retreat, but I also find that I am strengthened by attending one. Attending a women’s retreat can help you discover your strengths as well as examine areas of your life that need a little bit more attention. When I spend time watching and listening to other women, I am encouraged and find strength. Attending a women’s retreat often gives the stamina we need to strive for excellence in areas that we’ve become bewildered by.
There are so many benefits of a women’s retreat, many of which are intangible, but as valuable as gold. I think that every woman should attend at least one women’s retreat a year.