I’m not sure it’s sunk in yet that my 9yo is entering 5th grade this year. He is gifted like his father. As I mentioned in Our 3rd Grade Curriculum Picks, we start our book list with the Sonlight curriculum lists, then add our own selections in there, too. Here I’ll share our 5th grade curriculum picks for homeschool, with a caveat.
Okay, caveat first. My son reads voraciously. He has already read most of the Apologia Exploring Creation series for fun. Yes, for fun. He takes them to bed to read. In the last year he has read:
- Exploring Creation with Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day
- Exploring Creation with Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day
- Exploring Creation with Land Animals of the Sixth Day
- Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics
- Exploring Creation with Astronomy
I’d thought about rounding out our collection with Exploring Creation with Botany, but he informed me he really wasn’t interested in learning more about plants this year. :O While delightful, his reading appetite often leaves me perplexed as to what to do next. This list looks a bit short (in comparison to our 3rd grade list) because these are just the books that I want to complete in the next year. Trust me, he will do more, but we’ll add those in as we go along.
Our 5th Grade Curriculum Picks
5th Grade Language Arts
- Medieval History Based Writing Lessons in Structure, Style, Grammar, and Vocabulary
– Teacher Manual
- Medieval History Based Writing Lessons
Student Workbook
- Sequential Spelling Levels 4
and Sequential Spelling Level 5
- Daily Grammar Student Practice Workbook Grade 5
- Nory Ryan’s Song
- The Broken Blade
- The Ravenmaster’s Secret
- Number the Stars
- The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
- It’s a Jungle Out There
5th Grade Social Studies
5th Grade Science
5th Grade Math
We use Everyday Mathematics spiraling math curriculum, which is a comprehensive Pre-K through Grade 6 mathematics program. In a spiral curriculum, math concepts are revisited repeatedly over months and across grades.
- Everyday Math for 5th Grade Student Resource Book
- Everyday Math for 5th Grade Student Journal 1
- Everyday Math for 5th Grade Student Journal 2
5 Grade Technololgy
Well use a mix of Khan Academy, Codecademy, and MIT OpenCourseware courses to satiate his desire to program all things.
***originally published on my Homeschool Steamboat site and migrated here when I stopped using it.***
Oh hey, I have one of those “reads Apologia for fun” kids, too! Love the awesomely rich year you have planned for him.