We’ve all been there. You eat an extra helping at dinner or give into the temptation at the office. STOP! Don’t let this make you feel guilty or get you off track for the rest of the day. Do your best to burn off those extra calories by doing a few of the simple activities mentioned below.
Formal Exercise:
- Dance vigorously for 15 minutes
- Jump rope for 9 minutes
- Run for 9 minutes
- Swim for 15 minutes
- Walk for 25 minutes
- Climb up and down the stairs for 15 minutes
Sports and Leisure Activies
- Play basketball for 20 minutes
- Bowl for 30 minutes
- Golf for 15 minutes (no golf cart allowed!)
- Play soccer for 15 minutes
- Play tennis for 15 minutes
- Play pool for 35 minutes
- Fish for 25 minutes
- Play ping pong for 20 minutes
- Ice Skate for 20 minutes
- Horseback ride for 25 minutes
- Play a musical instrument for 30 minutes
- Mow the lawn for 20 minutes (no tractor allowed 😉 )
- Clean for 25 minutes
- Shop for 40 minutes
- Garden for 25 minutes
- Cook for 45 minutes
- Vacuum for 25 minutes
- Sweep the floor (broom) for 30 minutes
- Wash the car for 30 minutes
- Dust for 35 minutes
- Wash dishes for 35 minutes
Almost Effortless Bonus Idea:
- Chew gum for one hour (opt for sugarfree)
Which one will you do to burn a quick 100 calories?
Thanks for this list,it’s the little things that count. I often ea a little extra and think its a wrap, but if I just do one of the above simple activities that may help cancel some things out. I love it and will begin added a few of these to my daily routine, #NoMoreExcuses
Love this list! Especially the dance vigorously for 15 minutes 🙂
Well my day is clean cook clean chase kids and clean also cook more! LOL. So I should be burning a lot of calories!
Ooo i am ok then i do horseback riding for at least 2 hours a day,1 hour in the morning and 1 in the evening.
Haha, at least I do the washing dishes one pretty much every day. This is an interesting list.
Great list of activities! I like the shopping for 40 minutes the best 🙂
Dude. Chewing gum is probably the only thing that might happen today. Ha! Good to know it counts for something though.
That is an awesome list. I do many of those things regularly.
What if I eat a bunch of celery? Okay, kidding. That’s a a great list. I think walking up and down my stairs to put a paci in my daughters mouth a million times burns at least 100!
When you put it that way, I have no desire to snack like I did just a minute ago. I do like to dance, though!
I run a lot (and much longer than 9 minutes!) I may have to give dancing or jumping rope a whirl soon. 🙂
This is a great list of everyday activities that help to burn calories and keep you healthy! I try to be active throughout the day, even if I have nothing to do. I always get up and start walking around when I am feeling bored. Easy way to burn some calories!
Just a fantastic list. Lots of good ideas/
Great tips! I need to start doing more so this will come in handy for sure:)
I love taking a walk with my boys. It is so nice in Kansas City that I may to go for a walk tonight.
I do a lot of cleaning, but I never consider it exercise. It’s crazy how much we can burn just doing day to day activities!
I need to print this and put it up and do several in a day. That’s an easy way to burn!
I need to start having dance parties in my living room. To burn calories of course!
Um, buying gum ASAP! Good thing all those dance parties I have with my baby are burning some calories!
I will chase children around while trying to mow the lawn! That should burn a few calories right???
Great tips! Crazy you don’t realize how many normal everyday things you can do to burn calories.
parking the car a bit further away. You’ll save time and gas instead of driving around waiting for a close spot, and you’ll burn calories.
I am always looking for ways to stay more active around the house. This is a great compilation of simple activities to stay healthy and fit. Thanks.
See how much exercise a mom gets? I chew gum all the time too!
A great list! I need to do more than one of these a day 🙂
It is all of the little things that you can do in a day that add up to big calorie burns. The trick is remembering to get the little exercises into your day.
dancing for 15 minutes? I could totally do that! What about eating? Any calorie burning there? lol
What a great list of 100 cal burns! I can see doing most all of these. Today I’ll for sure do the cooking!
This is a great round up of exercises. The best part is if you do a few you’ve met your daily calorie burn!
I didn’t know you could burn calories that mattered playing Ping Pong. Woohooo, that’s my favorite on the list. 🙂
Chewing gum for an hour burns 100 calories? That really is a bonus! There are lots of great tips here!
So the longer I shop, the more calories I’ll burn????? Hum…guess what I’ll be doing later today to “exercise?!”
This list is great but it also makes me realize that 100 calorie soda I just drank requires a lot of effort to work off.
Love these tips. Especially like the leisure and the chores.
Oh yay, shopping is on your list. I am glad to see it’s good for my health. In all seriousness though, I need to be more active.
Great tips! I think I need to go do some vigorous dancing, lol. And maybe some swimming, too… It’s good that burning calories doesn’t need to be a chore.
Great List. Thanks for sharing.
I swim 3 times a week and love dancing around the house. I think I’ll go have some ice cream now.
If chewing gum burns 100 calories I should be svelte like a super model, lol. Really I’m glad to see gardening on the list.
Chores!!!! Yes. they have me sweating bullets every time. Especially sweeping our stairs. What a workout.
I love this list! I’ve been trying to be conscious about being more active throughout the day!