I recently asked my 10yo to set a timer and write for thirty minutes. If you’d have heard his “but MOM…” you’d have thought I was torturing him. He claimed he could not think of anything to write. Not one single thing. Um, okay? We chatted for a few minutes about brainstorming, story starters, and writing prompts. He requested a list of writing prompts to help him get started when he feels stuck. Of course, I was happy to supply him with a list of of 100 writing prompts for middle school students to spark the creative juices when he feels like the seconds are crawling by on the timer. No more excuses, right?
100 Writing Prompts for Middle School Students
- When I grow up I want to be a ….
- I’d rather do this than anything else in the world…
- I was most scared the one time….
- The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me was…
- I want to freeze because….
- If I could transport myself anywhere in the world, it would be…
- Being in middle school rocks because….
- I dislike it when….
- I’m most happy when I am….
- After school, I prefer to spend my time….
- The last time I laughed was when….
- My best friend is a rock star because….
- I admire my parents the most because….
- My older sibling makes me laugh the most when he/she….
- The loud crash happened right after….
- I have never been angrier than when….
- Walking in the woods makes me feel….
- That one time I got lost….
- I woke up with a huge zit on my face…
- Being a super hero is hard because…
- Being a teenager is hard because….
- I love it most when I can….
- Knowing that volcano can erupt at any time….
- Life is too short to worry about….
- When I looked out the window, I saw…
- I’m most scared when…
- All the sudden, I couldn’t breathe because…
- The time is ticking on the clock, I’m running out of time to…
- My feet hit the pavement harder than ever before…
- It’s time to move to…
- That one time I won a TON of money, I decided to…
- The boulder was huge and hard to move…
- I broke my leg and couldn’t…
- I traveled in time to…
- The train was going at least 100 miles per hour…
- Only a few minutes before we land on our new planet…
- The last time I saw my sister…
- His face read the expression…
- Winter feels like…
- The heat of summer is no fun…
- That clown is incredibly scary because…
- Being alone is no fun because…
- My future spouse is going to…
- No matter where I walk, I keep hearing footsteps…
- Visiting a graveyard at night would feel like…
- Vacationing on a beach somewhere feels…
- The feeling of sand between my toes makes me feel…
- I dislike when times goes slow…
- When I’m bored, I like to fill the time by…
- I often dream of…
- Five years from now, I think I will…
- I would like to invest something to help with…
- The last time I did this I…
- I struggle with…
- When I get married, I hope that…
- The best day of my life would include…
- The worst day of my life means…
- This bad habit annoys me to death because…
- Going back to school after summer vacation makes me feel…
- I have never been more upset than when…
- My favorite teacher is awesome because…
- Being a middle schooler is like…
- If I could be an animal in the jungle…
- Visiting a remote village in the Amazon would feel…
- When I’m tired, I like to…
- Spending time in my room is fun because…
- Hanging out with my friends makes me feel…
- I’ve learned this from my parents…
- You’re living in the middle of the 1600’s, what’s your life like?
- I made a bad choice, but…
- My worst outfit choice looks like…
- If I was taller, my life would look like…
- One time I was disappointed and…
- One time, I got home late and I was locked out of my house…
- This incident wasn’t really a big deal, but…
- The one time I saw someone do something wrong was when…
- Standing up against a bully feels…
- When I’m sick I can’t stand this…
- The one bodily function I can’t stand is…
- If I lived in Germany, my life would be different because…
- Being a foreign exchange student in another country would feel…
- I’m most scared when…
- I have never been happier than when…
- If I lost a hotdog eating contest…
- Going to the state fair makes me feel…
- I forgot something important and the result was…
- I broke curfew and now my parents are…
- I feel like my mom…
- The best memory I have of my childhood includes me…
- Rock climbing feels like…
- Bungy jumping would make me feel…
- The day trip to the ocean was disastrous because…
- If I live to be 100, I want to…
- Three things I want people to know about me…
- I saw a homeless man on the street and I helped him by…
- I started my own business and it included…
- I am spending the day in a foreign country today and…
- I went on a shopping spree and could buy…
- I was packing my suitcase for a trip and…
- My mom asked me if I wanted to move to California and I said…
Right now, you can get the 100 writing prompts for middle school students with writing response sheets printable free! You can either click on the cover page image to open the pdf, or on the underlined hyperlink.
Do you have a middle schooler that resists pouring their heart out on paper? I recommend snagging a copy of Unjournaling, too! All the writing prompts in this book are entirely impersonal but completely engaging—for both kids and adults.
Unjournaling: Daily Writing Exercises That Are Not Personal, Not Introspective, Not Boring!
This post is part of the 2018 iHomeschool Network 100 Things posts, will be live on Monday, November 4, 2018. You’re going to want to check them all out when it publishes! J
Love these ideas! I think they could work for anyone to be honest, not just middle schoolers. I bet even bloggers (or fiction writers) who are stuck with a writer’s block can find some interesting angles to take with a bunch of these. Number 79 cracks me up: The one bodily function I can’t stand is…